La Asociacion CREAR, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

As their name suggests, CREAR -
"CReatividad, Arte y Responsabilidad Social",
or simply "create" - envision a strong community of empowered, self-motivated, responsible, and employable individuals. Their mission is to be a catalyst in breaking the cycle of poverty in rural Costa Rica by combating educational inequality and social limitations through the expansion of free programs focused on creativity, language development, critical thinking and economic empowerment.

La Asociación CREAR is located in northwestern Costa Rica bordering the Pacific, known for its beaches and biodiverse parkland. Their current programmes include:
  • After-School Program: to two local communities, enriching the lives of 200 students from Samara and the surrounding areas. 
  • In-School Assemblies/Community Presentations: CREAR gives free in-school assemblies and community presentations, 
  • Girl’s Empowerment Courses: primarily focuses on self-esteem and economic empowerment.
  • Adult English Classes: to continue improving the employability of Samara locals.
Find out more about their great work at