'Building International NGO capacity through Financial Management'
A practical insight for accountants looking
to volunteer or work in International Development
Presented by John Cammack CIPFA & Neil Jennings, AfID Founder
Next date: To be confirmed
Venue: ICAEW Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London
Timings: Registration 8:15am to 8:30am, Workshop 8:30am to 5:00pm
Cost: £185+VAT (If you later go on to volunteer through AfID £50 of the workshop fee will be deemed as part of the volunteer placement fee)
Booking: To book email info@afid.org.uk
The AfID workshop is a fun, informative and interactive day designed both for accountants looking to volunteer overseas and those considering a career move into the sector.
Join us in learning about the world of international development, the financial capacity needs of non-profits across the developing world and the vital role played by finance professionals.

The day is very relaxed and is carefully designed to provide a detailed insight into the different challenges, stakeholders and environments you will encounter in the development sector; mixing real case studies and volunteer/employee feedback with John and Neil's wealth of experience.
8:15-8:30 - Registration, coffee & tea (available throughout the day)
9:00-11:30 - Morning Session
- Introductions and context
- Whistle-stop tour of non-government organisations and the not for profit sector
- What is the sector like? What are the challenges? What are our concerns?
- Experiencing a new culture – the practicalities of living and working overseas
- Assessing and building financial capacity
- The role and impact of funders and core cost management
11:30-12:00 - Past Volunteer Presentation and Q&A
12:00-13:00 - Lunch Break
13:00-17:00 - Afternoon Session
- Tools for building financial capacity in grassroots NGOs
- The AfID reporting schedule
- “What if… ?” - Bite size scenarios from the field
- Next steps, feedback and questions
Following the workshop, you will be able to:
- Explain the role of financial management in NGOs internationally
- Identify practical techniques to review and strengthen NGOs financial management
- Understand the cultural differences when working overseas
- Understand the role of funders and ways to enable maximum use of the process
- Understand the role and value of accountants working in the sector
- Recognise how your own skills and experience can be applied to make a lasting difference
The workshop is open to all and we welcome individuals of all levels of training & qualification; from AAT, PQ and finalists right through to Qualified, Fellows, Partners and retired accountants.
Each workshop is delivered by John Cammack, a very experienced independent consultant in the non-profit sector. John is a qualified CIPFA accountant, consultant and university lecturer. He has been involved with international development work for over 30 years, previously as Head of International Finance at Oxfam GB and then Senior Lecturer in Accounting & Financial Management at Oxford Brookes University. Read more about John Cammack.
Neil Jennings, the founder of Accounting for International Development, will also be in attendance to answer any volunteering, career or AfID partner related questions.
"The workshop helped me tremendously during my job interview. The knowledge I acquired at the workshop boosted my confidence and performance during my interviews. As a result, it helped me secure my dream job and also start a career in International Development."
Kemi O - Auditor, Save the Children
"It was reassuring that most people had some level of doubt about what skills they had to offer. The workshop gave us the confidence that we really could add a great deal of value"
Mary (ACA) - Finance Director
“Really well delivered and great workshop format from highly experienced professionals in this field. Impressed by breadth of their experience and how they were able to answer many macro-level but also micro-level practical questions.”
Ann (ACCA) – Management Accountant
“It was a great way to find out about how the NGO sector is organised, what challenges organisations in this sector face and the different ways in which accountants can help them. I am now very motivated to become involved as a volunteer!”
Maren (ACA) – Senior Manager
“Left feeling so excited about the possibilities for "giving back". Really interesting day learning about real issues faced by NGOs and the challenges faced by volunteers looking to support them.”
Charlotte (ACA) - Auditor