Zana Africa, Nairobi, Kenya

The ZanaAfrica Group is a registered social enterprise in Kenya and a charity in the US. They educate and empower women and girls to manage their own reproductive health. In Kenya they produce and sell sanitary products, disseminate key health education, and lead on advocacy and research efforts to enact change. They aim to help girls transition safely through adolescence with the right to make informed decisions about their own health. They advocate on local, national and global platforms through publications, conferences and working groups for menstrual health to be recognised as a human right and part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

ZanaAfrica conducted a comprehensive research trial on the individual and combined impact of sanitary pads and health education across 140 schools in Kilifi County. The results highlighted many shortcomings. They now run interventions in 5 schools, reaching 3600 students with a health education curriculum and they offer tailored menstrual, sexual and reproductive health and rights education (MSRHRE) to enhance the voice and agency of adolescent girls.

They want to also enact social change through commercial markets, providing high quality but low cost sanitary products which promote and signpost to clear educational messages, phone-based counselling and text-based health information. They sell in urban market and partner with NGOs to reach beneficiaries in rural locations.


For more information, please visit their website.