Deborah (ACA)
The Partner
VSO Mozambique
Mozambique is one of the world's poorest countries, despite encouraging development efforts made in recent years. VSO Mozambique’s strategy focuses on education, HIV and AIDS, secure livelihoods and national volunteering.

The Volunteer

Deborah (ACA)
Stanhope plc
Finance Controller
The VSO Mozambique office is an established hub in the Southern African region with 12 finance staff who manage an office budget of £775,000 and a number of regional programmes. They manage and report on a large number of donations from international partners including CIDA, SIDA and Irish AID.
The finance manager had recently left so there was a need for an experienced interim manager to develop the skills of the local staff, while at the same time sourcing a suitable candidate for the vacant position and creating a Finance Capacity Building Plan for the next 12 months.
As an experienced Financial Controller and project manager Deborah was the ideal candidate; she was able to quickly instil confidence amongst the inexperienced finance officers and improve their understanding of the systems and procedures that VSO had in place. Deborah was so effective that VSO’s Regional Finance Director requested that she too extend her assignment and stay on to help the new Finance Manager prepare and implement the Capacity Building Plan.