159 Volunteers from 21 Nations - The 2015 Stats are in!04.01.2016

Thanks to the hard work and commitment of our volunteers, charity partners and with the continued support from accounting institutes and others we are celebrating our most successful year to date. In 2015, 159 volunteers were placed on overseas assignments, more than in any previous year. Combined, they have delivered over 58,000 hours of pro-bono support to 119 different charity partners, equating to an amazing £3,000,000 worth of accounting services.

You don't have to be a fully qualified accountant to be an AfID volunteer. Our volunteers come from a variety of institutes across the world, however a large portion of our volunteers are Qualified By Experience (QBE) and even Part Qualified (PQ)!

The nationalities of our volunteers were not as even a split as the gender however. The UK, Australia, Canada and the USA (respecitvely) gave us the majority of our volunteers, but we did see volunteers from every continent go on placment in 2015. The exception, of course, being Antartica - we will be testing our Volunteer Services Manager to see if he can bring in an Antartican volunteer!

The numbers speak for themselves! 148 assignments completed by 159 volunteers. You don't have to go solo on your AfID assignment... we sent 9 'plus one' volunteers to assist our partners on activities beyond accounting, and have also sent a whole family on placement in 2015.

In 2015, our volunteers went on 35 Structured placements - supporting large international organisations with their immediate accounting needs, and on 113 Tailored assignments - supporting grassroots partners and a local, capacity building level. Click here to find out more about Tailored vs Structured roles.

We had a global impact in 2015, with our volunteers supporting 119 partners in 40 countries worldwide. To find out more about the current roles we have availabile around the world, view the Top Opportunities at AfID.