Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife, Ban Keun, Laos

Lao Conservation Trust for Wildlife (LCTW) is Laos’ first non-profit wildlife rescue and release service. Working amidst prominent illegal wildlife trade routes, they provide a multi-species rescue service which spans country wide. They run a 24/7 hotline and work with the government on large scale confiscations. Alongside this service they also run a sanctuary for those animals that cannot be released.

LCTW work with global NGOs on conservation efforts of endangered species in South East Asia, including those on the critically endangered list with less than 70 left in Laos. One animal under their care is in fact already extinct in the wild in Laos, the Indochinese Hog Deer. They run breading and release programmes to promote the reintegration and growth of these species.

LCTW use education programmes to raise awareness about wildlife and biodiversity in Laos, holding conference, seminars and training courses. They will be expanding this to educational tours of their facility in the future.

Eve and George are the Trust’s founders, starting out as visiting consultants for the then Lao National Zoo. Many of the confiscated animals were being donated here but they were not able manage their varying needs. Eve and George decided to stay and start the charity, transforming the site of the old zoo. Currently the zoo and the Trust are separate entities but they will be rebranding and joining them under one organisation, retaining and coaching the local staff from the original zoo.


For more information, please visit their website.