The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC), Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) is a Cambodian NGO advocating for a fair and equal society for all. They aim to empower women and girls to gain equal access to education, respect and the ability to make decisions about their own lives. WRC run a drop-in centre providing free information, support and signposting to further services for women and their families. Women can access one to one counselling and attend workshops on topics such as reproductive and sexual health, maternal care, hygiene and nutrition, financial and business management, parenting skills and challenging gender stereotypes. WRC’s outreach programmes visit girls in schools and families at home. Their target beneficiaries are often living in low income families, have low levels of education and literacy and often informal employment. They also focus their support on victims of domestic violence. They are working to stop the cycle of violence both in and out of the household.


For more information, please visit their website.