In Cambodia, women make up more than 55% of private business owners however, the majority of these businesses are micro- sized and informal. Most medium and large businesses are owned by men. There are various challenges that women in Cambodia face when starting their businesses such as a lack of training and no access to capital investment. SHE Investments wants to change this and believes in the power of women entrepreneurs. Therefore this partner believes that investing in women- led social enterprises is fundamental to social change and economic growth.
This organisation’s vision is to help create a world where investment in women in developing countries is seen as opportunity, not charity. To achieve this vision SHE Investments supports female entrepreneurs by providing business training, mentoring, and ongoing support to help their businesses scale to create social and economic impact. In order to do this, they run a number of different programmes.
1. 6 month business incubator for women wanting to scale up their business.
2. Workshop and training programmes for female micro entrepreneurs tailored to the client’s needs.
3. SHE starts businesses that create social impact and profit, and profits go towards business development programmes.
Find out more on their website.
SHE Investments, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

AfID volunteers and SHE Investments team