Children Might Foundation, Rwamagana, Rwanda

Children Might Foundation is a local Rwandan charity based in Rwamagana, in the eastern province of Rwanda. CMF is dedicated to providing education to young people, ensuring that all children get access to treatment and construction of houses through volunteers and community participation.

The organisation also empowers women through income-generating projects and a farming co-operative.  
The organisation has income generating projects to help alleviate poverty and improve the lives of families in the community, such us a goat project and a women’s farming co-operative. Where necessary, CMF constructs housing for the families they support with the participation of local leaders and the community.
Children Might Foundation runs several programmes and projects:

  • Sponsorship programme: sponsoring children through primary and secondary school.
  • Income generating project: providing a goat for a family and supporting women with agricultural farming.
  • House construction: constructing houses for families who have inadequate shelter.
  • Health care: providing medical insurance for both children and families to access treatment.
  • Homework club: arranging holiday and weekend studies and activities such us games, football and dancing.

Please see their website for more information.