"We Did It!"

Sonya (AAT)
Good Health Youth Organization, Malawi
We cycled up to the Great Wall to the finish line which was our final steep climb. I'm amazed I managed today as I went to bed without dinner last night as I was feeling nausea. There was no way I was getting on that bus or walking up the climb! The atmosphere was awesome and the scenery stunning. After being awarded our medals and having a photo shoot we then climbed up the Great Wall!!! Jelly legs for sure! Good Health Youth Organization, Malawi
There are such a variety of people here all ages, shapes and sizes. Some are cancer survivors, some have knee replacements, one lost 8 stone in a year to be able to do this and the list goes on. I'm in awe of the courage these ladies have to take on such a mammoth challenge and it confirms that there are no excuses, we all can do it!
At each event there is a charity rep and this time she represented the ovarian cancer charity. She gave us a talk to illustrate the difference your donations make. 30 years ago the survival rate for breast cancer was around 30% and now it's around 80% and that's due to research which can happen because of the financial support we give. Unfortunately for ovarian cancer survival rates are much lower as they are so far behind. Only since 2007 have they been able to start educating us AND doctors about confirmed recognisable symptoms due to research which is very slowly starting to make a difference. This year they've been able to invest £1m of our money into UK research and organise experts from around the world to start working in collaboration. So know that your donations will make a massive difference to future generations for family and friends.
We are in Beijing now, back amongst the smog! We're feeling a little tender but have nothing to complain about considering what we have achieved.
I'm doing these on my mobile so apologise for typos and upside down pictures!
Thanks for everyone's support!
For the whole story click below to read Sonya's blog detailing her incredible journey...
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