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Name Chizoba (ACMA)
Employer Bank of America
Day job Operations,
Assignment Brooklyn Bridge to Cambodia

Chizoba (ACMA)
Chizoba found her experience extremely rewarding, and was able to share this with us at the AfID Workshop. See her presentation here.

Past volunteer, Chizoba Uzowuru is an ACMA qualified accountant who has spent seven years working in financial services, and currently works in operations at the Bank of New York.
Chizoba untook a seven week volunteer placement with AfID from January 2015 when she travelled to Cambodia to support Brooklyn Bridge to Cambodia (BB2C).  
On her placement, Chizoba completed an assessment of BB2C’s financial controls and procedures; provided advice and training on accounting systems and controls, and did a cost and profit analysis for the irrigation pumps. She was also involved in the budget reviews and forecasting.

More of our volunteer's workshop presentations can be found here.

+44 (0) 208 741 7000